Save your spot for Season 1 starting in November!

About the Flight Club Creative Collective

What it is:

A chance to get to know other creatives and find encouraging community that is meant to give you a little push in your creative and personal growth.

What does it Entail?

  • Creative encouragement sent to your inbox every Tuesday.

  • A Short Zoom Call 1x a month to meet, process, and grow together.

  • A Digital Showcase at the end of the 3 months- submit something you’ve been working on so we can celebrate with you! More than anything this is to give you a push to share your art with the world and start surrounded by people that are cheering you on! This is super low pressure and can be unfinished- Just a milestone in your creative growth!

What it’s not:

X A Course

X A High Stakes, High Pressure Situation

X A List of Requirements

X A Graded Project

X A MasterClass

X A Buzzkill

Who is this for?

Any and all creatives!

Whether you’re a dancer, graphic designer, barista, writer, filmmaker, fashion designer, chef, a little bit of everything, you name it.

Especially if you can sense that you are in a period of preparation and transition or are wanting to go deeper in your creative pursuits and personal growth.

If you’re reading this…

I believe in you and cherish the unique way you see the world. Your creativity is packed with so much potential to impact the world in significant ways.

I understand what it feels like to be in a creative rut and struggle with the feeling that you may not even have something significant or original to say, that what is in you is still not ready to be shared with the world and it may never be, and that you are still not enough no matter how much you’ve grown.

My desire is that we can weed through the lies together and bear witness to the transformation that can happen in our personal and creative lives when we give ourselves the opportunity to truly fly.

Friend, you were made to fly.

Let’s Prepare for Launch.